

There comes a time in every athlete’s career when the exclusive prize he seeks eludes him. He makes it to the infamous stage–Stanley Cup Finals, NBA Finals, Sprint Cup, Super Bowl, or whatever it may be–only to lose in those last waning minutes. It is those minutes the heartbreak sets in, and it is in those minutes the character of the athlete shines through.

Every athlete takes a loss. The difference is how he handles it. He can handle it with class, or he can pout and throw a tantrum. When the word tantrum is used, don’t think of Connor of tennis–his fits were an example of his fierce competitiveness. A poor sport is the one who complains after losing because he did not play by the rules or failed to properly prepare.

Tonight, two teams tied to one another are facing off on the ice for Game 5 of the Stanley Cup. They will fight, hit and compete to the bitter end. Unlike their NBA predecessors–Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors where the Cavs appear to have given since Game 1–the Pens and Preds both desperately want to win the Cup. But who will win? Only time will tell.

But the true test will come once one is defeated. It is then we will see their true character. Will they moan about the cheap shots or bad calls with class? Or, will they own up to their mistakes? Or, will they find a way to cheat through innuendos, commissions and the like? Many would take the neutral stance. Let’s hope these guys are brave, gracious and superior warriors until that bitter end even though heartache.