TBT: Happy Holidays

A warm, cozy home with friends and family gathered around is an idealic holiday tradition. The same can be said of that same group gathered around cheering and booing their favorite, or least favorite, team while watching basketball, football or hockey. What fond memories one can create with all the love, teasing and excitement of those precious moments made with loved ones.

And once those loved ones are gone, sports can be reminder that the love goes on . . . the memories of fishing with a grandfather, watching hockey with mama, or hunting with dad allows their spirits to remain and leads one to make new memories with a new generation of family by carrying on the tradition. Today is a hard day for many to bear, but if one forgives God (He can understands if you’re angry that He took someone away–He did give you those feelings), brush away the tears, and let the pain subside then one can find a new memory to make in time.

So, go fishing with that nephew or take that niece to a football or hockey game. Mom take that son hunting, and dad go outside and play hockey or basketball with your daughter. Grandparents share your memories for the love of the game with that grandchild. Or, open your heart and share those memories with a total stranger and expand your circle of love. Family isn’t just about blood . . . it is about the love shared between people despite their differences. Let them experience the love you felt as you grew up.

And here’s to making new memories with next generation and extending a blessing on this Christmas Day to you and yours today and in the ringing in of 2019.