Use Your Gifts Wisely

What gifts did the Lord give to you? Was it quick thinking? Speed? Agility? If you possess those qualities, great. However, those aren’t gifts; they are talents. Everyone possesses a talent whether they are saved or not.

In the clip below, the young lady, Sydney Mesher, is very talented. Mesher, also, possesses determination, cheerfulness, resourcefulness and independence. It is obvious from the video. If she didn’t her dreams to be Rockette would have never materialized. But those positive personality qualities fall in line with what the Bible refers to as gifts.

Source: espnW

If you’re an athlete, then you are definitely talented. But what are your gifts? And what are you doing with them? There are 20 spiritual gifts, and they range from administrative to operational to manifestation. For example as an athlete, one could use his talent to secure a medal in a race and give God credit. But then, that same athlete could take it further by using the platform and use the gifts of leadership, helping, giving and compassion to assist with the homeless or Habitat for Humanity. That opportunity could lead to a chance to discuss God’s never wavering love with someone who needs His hope.

The Bible says we are to be fishers of men. Fishermen use bait to attract and catch fish. Being an athlete is the bait, but how will you use what God has given you as a gift? Being afraid to testify may be natural, but it is not a proper excuse to avoid doing so especially considering what Christ gave up and went through to save us. Besides, walking the walk is more important than talking the talk. Use of the gifts like mentioned above allows one to walk the walk without ever having to mention Christ on the grand stage. The talk can happen on a more personal level (i.e., one on one or small circle) when seeking smaller opportunities.

Today, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is the reason why as Christian athletes we are able to use our talents and our gifts to glorify God. Jesus allowed Himself to be presented as man to save us from our sins. That was His gift to us. How are you using your talents and gifts to advance the Kingdom of God?

There’s a saying what you don’t use you lose. Ponder on that as you celebrate our dear Savior’s birth.

Credit: Dan, Dick & Barbara Miller