And when He does, He rewards you; David Ayres received the first star for his performance last night as well as scores of fans leaving their respective teams’ games to cheer on Ayres.
Y’all I have stopped watching TBL not sorry, watching the Canes bench as they pray on the bench is amazing.
— Achariya (@tanyarezak) February 23, 2020
At home watching MTL-OTT game but switched when they sais EBUG Ayres was playing … watched the 3rd period cheering for Ayres and the Canes … something I would have never done ! I’m a Mtl Canadiens fan !!! Tonight was so awesome
— St-Hilaire François (@StHilaireFranco) February 23, 2020
@35Ayres @Canes gotta say I’m die hard @CanadiensMTL fan but found my self glued to your game tonight . Loved watching how the team rallied around Ayres it’s what I tell my son hockey is all about . I tip my hat to you and well done Dave way stand tall
— Decker (@dekk_dpo) February 23, 2020
I was only watching this game because I was hoping the Canes would lose, but right now I'm the biggest David Ayres fangirl and I hope like hell the Canes somehow pull out a win #sorryFlyers #GoCANES
— Pam-O-Rama (@SoiSaucer) February 23, 2020
I'm not lie and say I'm watching the bolts cause we got ourselves an ebug in for the canes!
— Bryan Camp (@34bpc) February 23, 2020