We’re Not Second Place Citizens

Over the course of two weeks, there has been much ado about Jacob Trouba. The New York Rangers are trying to get rid of the man they named “Captain” just two years ago come August 9th. He’s trying to stay. The Rangers want to make his contract disappear. When a rumored deal between the Detroit Red Wings and the New York Rangers went south, many Rangers fans were upset especially after an article by Larry Brooks citing Trouba’s loyalty to his wife’s career.

To be honest some were probably still upset Trouba was handed the “C” when they had desires that another player would be named Captain. Some believe, and rightfully so, his play has diminished in the latter part of the season. Trouba and his wife, Kelly, just had their first child in January. His fellow teammates–Mika, Panarin, Igor–play also diminished for periods of time after the birth of their children. It’s to be expected and respected, but more on that in a moment.

Many have commented on Trouba trying to stay with the Rangers due to his wife and her career. Several of those comments have been rather ignorant, unfair, and disrespectful. Quite honestly, in the words of one of my former, female managers from the 606, “suck it up, buttercup!”

First, Kreider or any of the other guys on the team desiring to wear the “C” for the New York Rangers, I would strongly recommend they rethink their position on captaincy. This is not a swipe at Chris Drury. However, the “C” seems to be a curse to whomever wears it for the Rangers. Just look at the pattern: Mark Messier won the Cup in ‘94 and gone by ‘96, Jaromir Jagr for 2 years (2006-08), Chris Drury (yes, the NY Rangers General Manager) 2008-11, Ryan Callahan from September 2011 until March 2014, Ryan McDonagh from October 2014 to being traded in February of 2018, and now Jacob Trouba after less than 2 years if Drury gets his way.

Second, and of most importance, Trouba’s wife–like the rest of us women desiring a career–are not second place citizens! Yes, I said second place citizens and not second class citizens meaning our desires for our careers, families, beliefs, and lives are not meant to be placed on the back burner for some man. It doesn’t matter if that man is a husband, boss, father, brother or coworker. We do not become somebody’s property because we are their child or significant other. We matter as women.

Source: My Big Fat Greek Wedding via Suzy Brown

Those of us who are pursuing a career work our tails off to reach our dreams. No one should ever be able to determine the value of our work by our gender, looks, or socio-economic status. Respect us enough to see our brilliance. Mrs. Trouba has to be brilliant . . . she finished medical school. It takes hard work and intelligence to do so. And no she shouldn’t have to work for free.

Perhaps, it’s time to recognize that Trouba is doing right by his family and his career. Just like the Kelly Trouba has to get up and take care of the baby in the middle of the night, and the house, and go to work the next day . . . well, Jacob should be too whether or not he has a game that day or the next. Same goes for the rest of the guys on the team or any man in a significant relationship for that matter. That’s what is meant by partnership and compromise. The woman should not be the one who is always making the sacrifice.

The New York Rangers understood the deal when Trouba came to New York. Kelly was a huge consideration. You accepted then and you need to remain understanding. Yes, the National Hockey League is a business. But like any other business that is trying to recruit a player, team invested or teams interested in Trouba need to think outside the box and find a solution.

One is to allow your player a chance to regain his edge. Another is to find a way to get him interested in your team by also investing in his wife, if that’s what she wants, with another top tier hospital. Maybe, the NHL and the NHLPA need to consider luxury taxes similar to the NBA and the MLB. Whatever the choice, fellas, you’re going to have to do a whole lot better or suck it up!