Friday Flick: Athlete A

Source: Netflix

First, I must warn you that Athlete A will be an emotional roller coaster for those who are empathic . . . even more so for those of us who are soft-hearted and geared toward children. Having said that, Athlete A is a documentary brought to us by NetFlix. It is a film every parent, coach, doctor, police officer, school administrator, grandparent and teacher ought to see.

It covers how Athlete A starts the roller coaster in 2015 that begins the beginning of the end for former Dr. Larry Nassar with the help of other female gymnasts through the Indianapolis Star. Athlete A discusses the USA Gymnastics role through Steve Penny and the Karolyis to cover for Nassar. Athlete A loses her dream of becoming an Olympian through that cover up.

In this documentary, anyone who deals with children will learn to look for loopholes that prevents protection of children from delay in contacting the authorities to the authorities not properly following through. Most importantly, Athlete A proves that sticking with the truth will eventually lead to justice even as one gets dragged through the mud.

After viewing this documentary, many may feel a bit of disappointed by the outcome but there are important lessons to learn. This film shows us that abuse can become engrained from coaching and then blossom into sexual assault. It is everyone’s responsibility to take action and speak up to protect children. They did not ask to be put on this earth, but once they are born it is our job to keep predators away just like any mother in nature.

Source: Local 4 WDIV