Embrace The Suck

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;~James 1:2 KJV Source: Sports Spectrum Dictionary.com says suck, in slang used as a verb without an object, is to be unpleasant, repellant, or inferior. Life, work and sports can be all those things . . . those things that are unpleasant, lack integrity,… Continue reading Embrace The Suck

Today Is Jackie Robinson Day For MLB

Source: MLB #TBT: Pride & Perseverance Here’s hoping that Ohio–and the rest of United States for that matter–produce more men like Branch Rickey and Jackie Robinson, who started in the Negro Leagues, and less of the Kenesaw Mountain Landis. Thankfully, Jackie was willing to persevere to help others from the Negro Leagues join the ranks… Continue reading Today Is Jackie Robinson Day For MLB