Source: Last Week Tonight

When you enter a stadium or arena, do you ever wonder where your food comes from? Do you consider whether or not you can actually partake in the food being served at the arena? Well, there are those who actually do consider these things either due to dietary restrictions or personal convictions.

Fortunately, there are some arenas and stadiums who have made an extra effort to assist these individuals. For example, there are 17 professional sports venues that offer organic food and 14 that offer meat routinely untreated with antibiotics.

But being green with food also includes the donation of leftover food to local shelters to help those less fortunate.  It includes those stadiums and arenas who utilize local farmers to grow, or better yet, grow their own food to nourish the hungry souls who come through their gates for entertainment.

Overall, there are 5 components in acting green with food:

(a) menu planning – manage and track portions and demands to avoid waste plus  offer vegan/vegetarian meals as well as determine local/seasonal ingredients offerings;
(b) packaging – reduce packaging as well as offer recycleable, compostable and/or reuseable serviceware;
(c) preparation efficiency – mininize food waste plus create efficient ways to prepare to reduce energy and water consumption;
(d) procurement – choose to use USDA organic, antibiotic free, seasonal/locally produced food as well as certified sustainable seafood;   &  (e) waste diversion – education of fans and staff, implement recycling and composting of waste measures, and donate unused food to local shelters and food banks.

The way food is produced, transported, prepared, and disposed of has a profound impact on our environment which directly affects public health. It allows us all the opportunity to be innovative, and reward others who are innovative, with our health and the Earth’s resources.

Why does it matter that a stadium considers going green with food? Well, one reason is the Earth has limited resources, and we are responsible for taking care of its resources respectfully.  Plus, it feels good to be wasteful and be able to help others at the same time. Sports venues have an opportunity to educate themselves and their fans to assist the Earth in its health as well as our own.

Map Credit: Green Sports Alliance
Map Credit: Green Sports Alliance

An athlete has to be very careful about his financial plans. The money he makes within his short playing career has to last him for the rest of his life unless he is smart enough to transition into a second career. It does not matter what league one plays in–NHL, NFL, MLB, MLS, NBA–one’s finances need to last to cover household expenses, trips, health care, college tuition and so forth.

The best strategy an athlete can have is to start transitioning into his second career before he retires or is forced out of the game. I was advised that it is best to have multiple streams of income at all times. Even athlete can accomplish that with a hectic schedule with the right team, aka inner circle.

It is just as important to make sure those in your inner circle are worthy to be there. Ask the hard questions: (a) does that person give as much as they take?; (b) how does that person handle their own money?; (c) is that person growing or stagnant?; (d) does he follow through on what he says?; and so forth. If there are more negative answers than positive ones, it may mean removing that person from your inner circle.

Always double check your finances. Keep your own financial records, and get an independent second opinion at least once a year. There is no shame in asking for help, so if budgeting isn’t your thing ask a financial counselor which is different than a financial planner. Learn about stocks, mutual bonds, mutual funds, CDs, and so forth for yourself. It is hard to trip someone up if he has the knowledge for himself.

Plan for your retirement and life after sports. Remember, knowledge is a power that no one can take away from you. Knowledge can help prevent you from going broke. And if you just have to have some sort of lucrative purchase to reward yourself from all the hard work it took to make into the League, then limit yourself to just 10 percent of your first contract and save the rest. Better yet, make sure that lucrative purchase will appreciate over time instead of depreciate.

Source: Wise Lausanne