#TBT: Disrespecting Athletes

Source: Republic World “You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people. You can’t save the people if you don’t serve the people.”~Cornel West Over the past few years, there have been a couple of heated exchanges between fans and athletes. These exchanges have taken place on social media, at arenas, at stadiums… Continue reading #TBT: Disrespecting Athletes

#FBF: Christian Athlete And Social Justice

Sports can be a tool toward social change, but there are some sports where the players shy away from controversy. After having a conversation with a 2L (second year law student) who interns with both a NHL and a MLB team about this subject, I felt more confusion about this subject than understanding. Was this… Continue reading #FBF: Christian Athlete And Social Justice

#TBT: Dear Parents

I am repeating these 2 articles based upon a conversation I had with my Sisters-in-Christ during our church village meeting this past week. In that conversation, we determined that King Solomon became a whore like his dad. King David, because that was what he saw growing up. God only intended it to only be one… Continue reading #TBT: Dear Parents