Rewind: Christian Athlete And Social Justice

. . . And being that Christian athlete, I know according to ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 Thessalonians 5:11 and Romans 15:4 that I am to assist my fellow man with his trials while encouraging yet holding him accountable for his failings. . . .

We Praise Him When We Lose

How many of us as Christians–let alone Christian athletes–would do the same? While I believe that God cares about everything in our lives, I believe even more that He cares more about how we respond. Will we still praise Him when we lose? “As a kicker, you live for those moments – I had a… Continue reading We Praise Him When We Lose

#TBT: Christian Athlete And Social Justice

Sports can be a tool toward social change, but there are some sports where the players shy away from controversy. After having a conversation with a 2L (second year law student) who interns with both a NHL and a MLB team about this subject, I felt more confusion about this subject than understanding. Was this… Continue reading #TBT: Christian Athlete And Social Justice