#FBF: The Ugly Side Of The Business

*Before you judge these people too harshly, remember everyone including you has skeletons. They are mere illustrations to try to remember our humanity how to better use it. God grants grace and mercy to us all despite our unworthiness. Source: TPS Sports can be medicine, but they can also devastate someone’s life. On one hand,… Continue reading #FBF: The Ugly Side Of The Business

Let Freedom Ring

Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing Let the whole world know that today is a day of reckoning Let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong Roll the stone away, let the guilty pay it’s Independence Day Roll the stone away It’s Independence day ~Gretchen Peters & Martina McBride Sports can… Continue reading Let Freedom Ring

#TBT: The Ugly Side Of The Business

Sports can be medicine, but they can also devastate someone’s life. On one hand, sports can motivate society to change, to learn to evolve and grow. Then, there is the other hand where sports cause some to believe they are so powerful over others they become seduced into thinking nothing can happen to them for… Continue reading #TBT: The Ugly Side Of The Business