There are conflicting reports regarding riptides, or rip currents, claimed the life of Ryan Mallett. It’s a tragedy and either way the Gulf of Mexico took him away from his love ones and fans too soon.

Source: ABC News

Source: WEAR Channel 3 News

Please pay attention to the lifeguard flags at beaches before entering the water and don’t swim without a lifeguard on duty. It is possible to get caught in one even when obeying lifeguards’s flags. So before you get caught in a riptide, please watch this video to learn how to survive one.:

Source: WRAL

We Are All Michigan

The lyrics to Michigan State University’s alma mater, Shadows, are as follows: MSU, we love thy shadows When twilight silence falls, Flushing deep and softly paling O’er ivy covered halls; Beneath the pines we’ll gather To give our faith so true, Sing our love for Alma Mater And thy praises, MSU. When from these scenes… Continue reading We Are All Michigan