#TBT: Dear Parents

I am repeating these 2 articles based upon a conversation I had with my Sisters-in-Christ during our church village meeting this past week. In that conversation, we determined that King Solomon became a whore like his dad. King David, because that was what he saw growing up. God only intended it to only be one… Continue reading #TBT: Dear Parents

#TBT: Dear Mothers

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.~Proverbs 22:6 NIV HERE IS A THREAD OF ALL THE DMS. the account got taken down but I screenshotted all of them I’m sorry if some of these are double screenshots pic.twitter.com/uCoo5fGMrb — lily (@jackeichs)… Continue reading #TBT: Dear Mothers