#TBT: If She Was A Boy (Part 5) . . . .

On a team building exercise for the Legal Split, outside the doors of the restaurant chain, Bravo, two coworkers are discussing the fact she is playing on the new local women’s pro football team, Dayton Rebellion. The male coworker, a retired Marine, asks his female coworker, “What is your favorite position?” She replies, “Quarterback.” His… Continue reading #TBT: If She Was A Boy (Part 5) . . . .

#TBT: Dear Parents

I am repeating these 2 articles based upon a conversation I had with my Sisters-in-Christ during our church village meeting this past week. In that conversation, we determined that King Solomon became a whore like his dad. King David, because that was what he saw growing up. God only intended it to only be one… Continue reading #TBT: Dear Parents

#TBT: Dear Mothers

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.~Proverbs 22:6 NIV HERE IS A THREAD OF ALL THE DMS. the account got taken down but I screenshotted all of them I’m sorry if some of these are double screenshots pic.twitter.com/uCoo5fGMrb — lily (@jackeichs)… Continue reading #TBT: Dear Mothers