#SaturdaySentiment: Conflicted Heart

*With everything that is going on in the NHL, professional soccer, collegiate sports, bullish coaches, corrupt administrations of certain teams, and the denial by many, I felt the need to repost this article once again. The sentiment I tried to express is the same and my hope still is it will reach those struggling to… Continue reading #SaturdaySentiment: Conflicted Heart

#FBF: Stop Talking And Do It

“Don’t pretend there’s not a problem in America.” @Nike pic.twitter.com/DYmVwjYDHY — Serena Williams (@serenawilliams) May 31, 2020 The NFL and the NHL along with their various teams have released statements against racism. Both have programs, The Players Coalition and Hockey Is For Everyone respectively, that have promise to find resolutions to police brutality and inclusion… Continue reading #FBF: Stop Talking And Do It

#TBT: Conflicted Heart

*With everything that is going on in the NHL with Kyle Beach and the continuing denial by some, I felt the need to repost this article even though it deals with a different subject and a different league. The sentiment I tried to express is the same and my hope is it will reach those… Continue reading #TBT: Conflicted Heart