#FBF: Dear Ma’lik Richmond (With Updates Since 2013)

Source: HLN

Source: The Young Turks (TYT)

Source: ABC News

Dear Ma’lik:

I know you don’t know me, and you may not even care what I have to say. That is understandable. However, I feel compelled to write to you after seeing your apology to your victim and her family. I want you to understand that your life is not over.

Yes, what you did was wrong–very wrong. You committed a crime, and yes, you must do the time. But how your life ends is yet to be determined. It is up to you and One other person (Hint: It’s not a human being). Yesterday (Easter 2013), we celebrated forgiveness and the ability that the One gave each and every one of us to get up after falling down. Right now, you are down. But, young man, you can get up.

Ma’lik, you need to ask yourself some seriously hard questions like: Can I finish my classwork to get my diploma or GED? Can I start taking college courses? What was my dream before I allowed this to happen in my life? Am I going to be a model prisoner? or What do I need to do to get from here to there?. Surround yourself with people who have your best interest at heart not just there own motives wrapped in what appears to be good intentions. Find heroes that have fallen and gotten back up like Ray Lewis or Michael Vick. You have to forgive yourself, and you have a long road ahead. It will not be an easy, but you can still accomplish your goals.

Whatever you do, Ma’lik, please do not give up on yourself. You can rise.


Source: ESPN

Source: WKBN27