Dear College Football Players

Source: ESPN via Bùi Nghịch Dear College Football Players, This hurts. This hurts a lot. Believe it or not, most of the rational, intelligent people know how badly this hurts. We know how passionate you young men are about pursuing your craft on the collegiate level and possibly at the next level. But those same… Continue reading Dear College Football Players

#FBF: Dear Ma’lik Richmond (With Updates Since 2013)

Source: HLN Source: The Young Turks (TYT) Source: ABC News Dear Ma’lik: I know you don’t know me, and you may not even care what I have to say. That is understandable. However, I feel compelled to write to you after seeing your apology to your victim and her family. I want you to understand… Continue reading #FBF: Dear Ma’lik Richmond (With Updates Since 2013)