#TBT: Fresh Medicine Incoming

In the movie, 42, Branch Rickey tells Jackie Robinson that he is medicine. Actually, the exact quote is: “You’re the one living the sermon. In the wilderness . . . 40 days . . .all of it. Only you. . . .You can get out there and hit. You can get on base and score.… Continue reading #TBT: Fresh Medicine Incoming

#FBF: Ticket Prices

  Seems reasonable #nyr #isles pic.twitter.com/x0QQXc7ig0 — BlueCollarBlueShirts (@NYCTheMiC) April 29, 2021 If you think that’s reasonable, may I suggest you stop smoking whatever it is your smoking? You have to buy 2 tickets so that’s $814.18 before fees/taxes. I’m sorry but this one time I become conservative. What else could you buy for that… Continue reading #FBF: Ticket Prices