In the movie, 42, Branch Rickey tells Jackie Robinson that he is medicine. Actually, the exact quote is: “You’re the one living the sermon. In the wilderness . . . 40 days . . .all of it. Only you. . . .You can get out there and hit. You can get on base and score.… Continue reading #TBT: Fresh Medicine Incoming
Category: Opinion
#FBF: Ticket Prices
Seems reasonable #nyr #isles — BlueCollarBlueShirts (@NYCTheMiC) April 29, 2021 If you think that’s reasonable, may I suggest you stop smoking whatever it is your smoking? You have to buy 2 tickets so that’s $814.18 before fees/taxes. I’m sorry but this one time I become conservative. What else could you buy for that… Continue reading #FBF: Ticket Prices
#TBT: Better Watch Your Friends . . .
Source: TLC Vevo It has often been said that someone can tell how far a person will go in life by the circle of friends he keeps. This is certainly true for an athlete who life is complicated by an abnormal work schedule and can be plagued by location issues. Then, add the pressures of… Continue reading #TBT: Better Watch Your Friends . . .