Source: PSC Highlights

Source: PSC Highlights

Result: Ole Miss fined $350,000, and LSU fined $250,000 by the SEC with stiffer penalties to be had for a repeated occurrence including potential loss of alcohol sales.

As fans, sometimes, you have to curb that enthusiasm whether it be for showing your disdain over a bad or missed call or excitement that your team upset a higher ranked team. If it is going to hurt your team in the long run, you just shouldn’t do it.

#TBT: Disrespecting Athletes

Source: Republic World “You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people. You can’t save the people if you don’t serve the people.”~Cornel West Over the past few years, there have been a couple of heated exchanges between fans and athletes. These exchanges have taken place on social media, at arenas, at stadiums… Continue reading #TBT: Disrespecting Athletes

#TBT: Spastic: Out Of Control Fans

Source: The Tennis Channel It’s to the point now where games that have nothing to do with Baker Mayfield still devolve into incessantly bashing him the entire night. Baker deserves better than that. — Nick Karns (@karnsies817) January 24, 2022 Source: The Players’ Tribune Over the past several years, there have been numerous heated… Continue reading #TBT: Spastic: Out Of Control Fans