Distractions . . . Every Athlete Faces Them (Guest Post)

What is standing between you and your dreams? Distraction. In other words, all the little stuff that grabs at your attention every day and keeps you from focusing on where you really want to go. The problem with distraction is that it comes dressed in very clever disguises. It puts a dazzling display of our… Continue reading Distractions . . . Every Athlete Faces Them (Guest Post)

So a week ago, W.A.R. posted an article on ridding oneself of distractions. One of the suggestions had to do with creating vision boards, therefore, here is another blog post by Marshawn Evans Daniels regarding vision boards in hopes to help athletes visualize their athletic performance. Good luck or should I say God speed!


One of my favorite rituals each year is to spend an afternoon—with friends or by myself—creating a vision board. This has become a really powerful practice for me over the last several years.

Instead of making resolutions, which are usually about getting rid of what I don’t want (and as a result, don’t work), my Vision Board helps me get really super-clear on my intentions and the kind of year I want to create. Looking at it through the year helps me keep shifting into what I do want. I like to think of it as an alternative to making resolutions by making way for God-solutions.

Here’s a segment I did on Good Morning Texas about how to make a Vision Board. The host of the show asked some excellent questions.

If you’re ready to make your 2015 Vision Board (and I highly recommend doing it… it’s not too late! Here’s a step-by-step guide.

What you need:

Large piece of cardboard—I like to make BIG Vision Boards for my BIG vision, but you can make them any size
Glue stick
A good variety of magazines

1. Before you start, get very clear in your mind about who you want to BE, what you want to DO, and what you want to HAVE. I like to focus on 5 areas:

Love. Health. Self. Wealth. Overall Life.

2. Gather your magazines. Make sure they cover themes that you resonate with.

3. Put on music that inspires you. Pour a cup of tea.

4. Create an affirmation for your year–-in the positive. I am healthy. I am abundant. I am strong, etc.

5. Now, start flipping through the magazines and tearing out the images that speak to you.

6. Arrange them and glue them to your board. Make sure you have an image of YOU On the Board, too. You are the key ingredient in your vision, after all.

7. When you’re done, hang the vision board where you can see it.


What happens when you look at these pictures that you chose from the true you is that the images start to reprogram your brain. Now, THAT is powerful.

Have fun with your Board.

Source: Melaleuca

Marshawn Evans is a Global Mentor and Catalyst for Women looking to Launch Their Dreams and Live Their Purpose. She equips others to AMPLIFY their lives, their leadership and their legacy by teaching the principles of influence, branding, and divine purpose. Her weekly eZine goes out to thousands of subscribers. Are you ready to unleash your brilliance and align with your REAL destiny? Sign up for a FREE subscription at http://marshawnevans.com.