Kap, And His Records, Still Exist

Colin Kaepernick still exists. He passed and rushed for more yards in a single game. They truly act like he never existed. https://t.co/9jQKKUBlLe — Shaun King (@shaunking) October 13, 2019 When stating the third most but feeling compelled to only reference number two Michael Vick and intentionally over look NFL record-holder Colin Kaepernick.#ImWithKap #NoKapNoNFL https://t.co/TGOCKSmnSN… Continue reading Kap, And His Records, Still Exist

What Are You Thinking?

Over the course of years, I have heard numerous times the National Football League values protecting its shield. Well, the Indianapolis Colts evidently forgot that today when they signed Chad Kelly. Meet Chad Kelly. This is his mugshot. Cut by the @Broncos after he entered a woman's house, sat on their couch, mumbling incoherently, until… Continue reading What Are You Thinking?