Dear Arizona Coyote Fans,

I want to say I am so sorry your team was ripped from you. As someone who experienced that in the past, I know how hard it can be. I hope you know there are other teams’ fans who stand by you as you wait for a new NHL team.

I hope it happens fast and with it a Stanley Cup Championship in its first year!





Source: Brodie Brazil

Source: 247Sports

1. Alabama
2. Ohio State
3. Georgia
4. Clemson
5. Notre Dame
6. Michigan
7. Texas A&M
8. Utah
9. Oklahoma
10. Baylor
11. Oklahoma State
12. Oregon
13. North Carolina State
14. Michigan State
15. USC
16. Pittsburgh
17. Miami
18. Texas
19. Wake Forest
20. Wisconsin
21. Kentucky
22. Cincinnati
23. Arkansas
24. Ole Miss
25. Houston