Beginner’s Tips: Branding Yourself As An Athlete

Branding yourself as an athlete is essential to one’s long term success. It is a matter of knowing how you want to be perceived in the eyes of potential sponsors, those who one wants to endorse, one’s team and the fans. Branding consists of successfully handling the media, social media and fan interactions not just… Continue reading Beginner’s Tips: Branding Yourself As An Athlete

#FBF: Challenges of Signing A Client (Or An Agent)

Source: MSBC A prospect can be found anywhere; it is a matter how the potential agent looks around. A friend or an associate could know someone that could turn into a prospect. A potential agent should also consider checking out high school games and camps and not just collegiate or professional games. The prospect should… Continue reading #FBF: Challenges of Signing A Client (Or An Agent)